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18 of 41 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:art, art, fine, landscape, nature, rainbow, summer, sunset, weather
Photo Info

Dimensions8007 x 8007
Original file size17.8 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceAdobe RGB (1998)
Date taken24-Jun-17 21:40
Date modified25-Jun-17 20:27
Shooting Conditions

Exposure1/750 at f/5.6
ISO speedISO 100
Reflected rainbow

Reflected rainbow

Rainbows are always opposite the Sun and their centres are below the horizon at the the so called antisolar point. Early morning and late afternoon it the best time to see a rainbow because the sun must not be too high. The lower the sun the higher is the rainbow.
In this photo I took in Vansbro, Sweden, taken just before sunset, the rainbow is as high as it gets and with the reflection in the water, acting as the lower half of a circle, it's easy to see that the rainbow was at its highest position. Had the Sun been any higher in the sky, this circle had been more ellipse shaped.
Rainbows are rarer than might be thought, halos are much more common.